Interesting Gifts for Wine Lovers
Whether you’re gift shopping for a devout collector or a casual enthusiast, navigating the world of wine can be difficult. What do you buy, when every wine lover has such different and particular tastes? Thankfully, if it’s just wine you’re after, you can order that from one of the local Colorado liquor stores! By using the online website, you can place an order and have the wine delivered right to your front door Yes, it really is that easy.
From gifts that’ll give them a laugh to presents that deliver an elevated wine drinking experience, here are our favorite gifts for wine lovers.
- Wine-Scented Candles.
Turn a classic would-be “cop-out” gift into a friendly, personal note with candles that reflect your devout wine-lover friend’s tastes. Wine-scented candles set a fun or even romantic atmosphere, and pair perfectly with home-cooked meals, rainy days, or even an evening spent lounging at home with a good book.
- A Wine Lock.
Perfect for the wine-lover who absolutely refuses to share, or to safeguard that special bottle being saved for just the right occasion. This lock fastens over the cork and can only be opened by a numbered combination-which may have the bonus feature of keeping that long-saved bottle safe from any too-tipsy impulse decisions.
That might seem fun and funny to the more practical-minded, but what about that wine-enthusiast in your life who shines brightest when they’re loud and wild?
- Yes, It Exists-The Wine Bra.
First off, what is a wine bra? No, it’s not itty-bitty lingerie to dress up your favorite bottle: the wine bra is an unassuming, completely wearable sports bra. It features a clear tube, leading from a resealable tip, to prevent spills… to a fillable pouch, underneath the cups, that functions as a wine-powered push-up bra. When the wine runs out, never fear- the pouches can be air-inflated to keep from giving the trick away! Though for those bold enough to wear the wine bra, you may find they want to.
Your friend will bring their wine with them on the road with this constant easy-access little “flask” – or even (shhh!) sneak wine into movie theaters and other strict “no outside food” venues.
But perhaps you’re looking for something more sophisticated. If you’re willing to splurge a little on a basic upgrade for the wine lover in your life, consider:
- An Aerator Pump.
For a wine lover with a discerning palate, a wine aerator pump will be just enough to elevate their favorite drink as it oxidizes the wine more than pouring or swirling one’s glass alone. Wine lovers swear by aeration to cut past any unpleasant or sharply alcoholic notes and expose a wine’s more delicate flavors, and some enthusiasts will say it’s the only way to give a good wine the care and enjoyment it deserves.
For the well-traveled wine lover, consider a portable pocket aerator: the same benefits to oxidation and flavor at a fraction of the size (and cost!).
- No-Spill Drinking Glasses.
These glasses are designed to sit on a sphere at the base, instead of a stem, and are perfect for preventing a stray gesture from ruining a night. When knocked into, the no-spill wine glass rotates around its base instead of tipping, keeping the drink safely inside and even aerating the wine!
- Monthly Wine Subscriptions and Clubs.
These subscriptions will deliver carefully chosen and curated wines to your friend’s door year-round, and are one of the most memorable gifts for wine lovers. By choosing the right wine subscriptions for your loved one, you are sending wine to them monthly – it’s a gift that keeps on giving! And who knows, with the experienced management behind wine clubs and subscriptions choosing each month’s gift for you, you might just give the gift of a newly-discovered favorite! To get signed up for a wine subscription, it might be worth visiting Wine Access, for example. Hopefully, your wine-loving friend will adore this gift.
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